Thursday, February 16, 2012

A Northern Light by Jennifer Donnelly

I have been reading A Northern Light by Jennifer Donnelly and so far I am really enjoying it!  This book is set in the early 1900's, and the chapters shift between what seem's like Mattie's current and future time.  This confused me a bit at first, along with the amount of characters the author introduces.  However, it quickly became an easy read for me as it is definitely a book you can easily get sucked in to.

Mattie is a sixteen year old girl, helping to take care of her younger siblings and father, as her mother has recently passed away.  She finds herself in a predicament because of her obligations to her parents and the farm they live on.  Mattie is determined to finish high-school (along with her good friend, Weaver), and go to college on a full scholarship...but she can't find her way to discuss this with her father, who needs her around.

I find the relationship between Mattie and her father similar to many potential situations that could be occurring in any reader's homes.  This connection can be easily made many ways.  
Single parent households can create the same relationship Mattie is currently dealing with in her home.  It seems that often the oldest child(ren) are taking on roles requiring more responsibility, with the need to grow up quickly.  Also, a personal connection can relate to the amount times when either my parents would not want to take a discussion further than 'no'; or when I really needed to bring up something important to them, and felt the weight Mattie seems to feel (even more so after being accepted into Barnard College).

Another reason I enjoy this historical fiction book, is the setting.  The familiarity of Mattie's locations and the descriptions throughout the book make everything visual in my mind.  I think the author did a really nice job by allowing the reader to feel and connect with the characters, making it seem like you are in the story with them.  

Overall, I can't wait to keep reading this book.  I am curious about what will happen with everything....One curiosity has me wondering if anything will occur soon with Mattie's older brother Lawton (who left the farm recently after a fight with their pa), will he come back home?  What will become of  the letters she was asked to burn, and what happened to the girl that drown? And her 'boyfriend' with more than one name?

More to come! Check back tomorrow :)

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