Monday, February 6, 2012

Deadline finished...

I finished Deadline while traveling this week...
Although I have some mixed feelings about different parts of the book, it was overall an enjoyable read.  I felt that it had a powerful message that could connect to any reader, even when the specific situation may not be familiar.  

Ben made the decision to try to lead a normal life, without telling ANYONE about his terminal illness. Throughout his story, we can visualize his wanting to live his life to the fullest in his senior year of high school.  

Along the road, I think Ben not only discovers a lot about himself but tends to grasp an understanding of how the world 'works' in odd ways. I can connect with him (and many others in our world), in wanting to question--what is the purpose of life?  I am sure in Ben's situation, this question is constantly would be constantly in the back of his mind.

Given the circumstances throughout the book, I felt pretty satisfied with how the story ended.  I learned that we all have our pasts, secrets, and stories behind our lives; no one is what you expect them to be, as the book states.  This book demonstrates a good example of understanding that behavior, and I know I can take that and more away from reading Deadline.  


  1. I think you are SO right in that we all want to know the "purpose of life," and I think this book could generate a lot of really good classroom discussion around that question. I think the discussions could even lead to self-discovery since the answer is probably different for everyone! :o) Great for high school seniors who are really starting their journey and heading off to college and leaving home for the first time!

  2. Jamie, you have a clear understanding of the major themes of the book and summarize it well in your two posts about Deadline. What I am still wondering though is how you personally engaged (transacted) with the book? If you use the questions Mizokawa and Hansen-Krening present as a guide. What would you say about "how this book made you feel? what is it in your own life experiences/your own values that evoked this response?" Remember to fully engage with a book you need to reflect aesthetically as well as efferently in these posts.
